import-module activedirectory $servers=Get-ADComputer -Filter {operatingsystem -Like “Windows server*”} | select -ExpandProperty Name $servers | Out-File “<Change path to>\Servers.txt” -append default $serversall = (Get-Content “<Change path to>\Servers.txt”) Start-Transcript -path “<Change path to>\output.txt” -append default foreach($vm in $serversall) { $iis = get-wmiobject…
PowerShell onboard server onto ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) & Azure Update Management
Below is a very simple script that i created that will onboard your server onto ATP / Windows Update management. Ensure the onboarding script is the latest from the portal The .BAT file this installs the MMA agent.
Windows Server List Features in Powershell
$domain= ”YOURDOMAIN”$pass=ConvertTo-SecureString -String ‘YOURPASS’ -AsPlainText -Force$creds=New-Object System.Management.Automation.pscredential -ArgumentList $domain, $pass (Get-Content c:\server_list.txt| Foreach{Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -Verbose -ScriptBlock{get-windowsfeature |Where-Object{$_.installed -eq $true -and $_.featuretype -eq ‘Role’} |select name, installed -ExcludeProperty subfeatures} -Credential $creds}) | `Format-Table -Property Name, Installed, @{name=’Server Name’;expression={$_.pscomputername}} -AutoSize
Gaining Access to a Windows Host via reverse TCP shell and Key Logging captured keystrokes.
In this tutorial we will create a reverse shell to a Windows laptop which is running in my lab environment this will be the victim. First we need to create a malicious .exe file We will also need to a…
Build NGINX Server / Firewalld with Ansible
ssh-copy-id root@ You should now be able to SSH into the host without a password you can try this Configure your ansible host these are in /etc/ansible/hosts [testserver] cd to /etc/ansible/playbook place the below in this directory, along with index.html…
Unify Controller
docker create –name=unifi-controller -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -p 3478:3478/udp -p 10001:10001/udp -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -v /config –restart unless-stopped linuxserver/unifi-controller Restore the controller from a backup or reconfigure the controller. If the controller is new and not adopted then you…
Increase disk on Centos 7
My instance of centos is running on azure this should not have any difference. First of all lets view the current drive information. The drive i will be extending is /dev/sda1 To ensure our results are correct along the way,…
Bulk Add WVD users / AD export
The start of coronavirus we had to spin up WVD on azure due to not having enough personal laptops. The below script was used to export all users in our AD and import into the WVD so they could log…