I recently purchased a Creality Ender 3 3d Printer to help “home” some microchips for some personal projects. This was a self build kit, where majority of the support is either via the facebook or reddit communities. #3DPRINTINGMILTON KEYNES…
Homeassistant Sensors for MQTT component
Once i built up my multi sensors i wanted to add them into home assistant. I had an issue with the database getting very large due to the number of times the motion sensor was triggered. I excluded these entities…
Homeassistant Sensors for MQTT component
Once i built up my multi sensors i wanted to add them into home assistant. I had an issue with the database getting very large due to the number of times the motion sensor was triggered. I excluded these entities…
Homeassistant Sensors for MQTT component
Once i built up my multi sensors i wanted to add them into home assistant. I had an issue with the database getting very large due to the number of times the motion sensor was triggered. I excluded these entities…
Cheap MQTT Doorbell using NodeMCU ESP8266 V3
A project Based on https://community.home-assistant.io/t/mqtt-doorbell/15081i approached the making a mqtt doorbell using arduino input pullup #include #include //WIFI const char* wifi_ssid = “”; const char* wifi_password = “”; //MQTT const char* mqtt_server = “”; const char* mqtt_user = “”; const…
Strava Sensors – Using RESTful API
I have been having a play around to see what kind of information can be gathered from the strava api for us that cycle. This is far from what i want to be able to do with the API, but…
SAMBA sharing on Raspberry Pi
Enabling SAMBA [smbserver] sharing makes life a lot easier, it enables us to create a simple share on the raspberry pi, in which can be mounted as a network drive. This make transferring files into directories a lot easier, this…
This involved pushing mqtt topics to and OLED, the purpose of this was to displays state information such as current room temperature, battery level, presence information on a small OLED. Example Automation in Homeassistant that displays last motion alias:…