I was recently given a Xiaomi Aquara hub from a friend as it was “bricked” due to port “9898” which is used for the API being blocked in a certain firmware release. This meant that the ” https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/xiaomi_aqara ” module…
MikroTik Router Board & Cisco 3560 – VLAN Configuration
Quick post as i have seen questions asked on the Mikrotik forums on this subject before. The aim was to segregate devices on my LAN. This would confine the number of broadcast domains on my network and would allow me…
RGB NEOPIXEL RING + Wemos D1 Mini – Light Notification Panel
The idea behind this was to create a totally unique lamp that can be used as a notification panel ( Lamp turns red when sensor batteries are low etc.. The the RBG led can be controlled via MQTT and can…
3D Printed Cases
I recently purchased a Creality Ender 3 3d Printer to help “home” some microchips for some personal projects. This was a self build kit, where majority of the support is either via the facebook or reddit communities. #3DPRINTINGMILTON KEYNES…
Homeassistant Sensors for MQTT component
Once i built up my multi sensors i wanted to add them into home assistant. I had an issue with the database getting very large due to the number of times the motion sensor was triggered. I excluded these entities…
Homeassistant Sensors for MQTT component
Once i built up my multi sensors i wanted to add them into home assistant. I had an issue with the database getting very large due to the number of times the motion sensor was triggered. I excluded these entities…
Homeassistant Sensors for MQTT component
Once i built up my multi sensors i wanted to add them into home assistant. I had an issue with the database getting very large due to the number of times the motion sensor was triggered. I excluded these entities…
Cheap MQTT Doorbell using NodeMCU ESP8266 V3
A project Based on https://community.home-assistant.io/t/mqtt-doorbell/15081i approached the making a mqtt doorbell using arduino input pullup #include #include //WIFI const char* wifi_ssid = “”; const char* wifi_password = “”; //MQTT const char* mqtt_server = “”; const char* mqtt_user = “”; const…
Strava Sensors – Using RESTful API
I have been having a play around to see what kind of information can be gathered from the strava api for us that cycle. This is far from what i want to be able to do with the API, but…
SAMBA sharing on Raspberry Pi
Enabling SAMBA [smbserver] sharing makes life a lot easier, it enables us to create a simple share on the raspberry pi, in which can be mounted as a network drive. This make transferring files into directories a lot easier, this…